
Master Bedroom Obsessed

So last Friday, as i was waiting for Travis to get home, i started staring at the paint, thinking about changing things (which i usually do at least 1 time per year because i love to paint!) and i realized that the painting i have in our bedroom needed to be out in the living room. So i moved it, and i was right :) Love it out there.  But then i realized the bedroom needed some attention, and since i have been planning a bedroom makeover since before the wedding, i started giving it some serious thought and decided that i was going to go for it.

So we did! We spent pretty much all of last weekend painting, and although the color turned out a tiny bit more on the blue side of grey than i wanted, i think it's going to be great. I've poured over blogs and design sites, visited multiple fabric stores, and have changed my mind at least 3 times, but i think I've got it figured out.

I'm not done yet, so you can't see it... but i'll show you my inspiration room, and show you the AMAZING Goodwill find that Travis found on Saturday.  Yes, i did make him come with me to both the fabric store and the paint store, and i would argue that he actually had a lot of fun.  Plus, we went to the driving range in between, so the day wasn't completely about me :)

Ok, so back to the inspiration.  I actually started with this room, loving the muted grey colors with the pop of peacock teal and i was going to add some golden yellows.

But then I found this, and i fell in love, so we're going in this direction (which is actually pretty similar, but maybe a bit more 'vintage' feeling, or at least my version will be because i'm on a budget.

ok, so back to the Goodwill find. Travis found these and i fell in love.  They are masculine and feminine and make perfectly sized nightstands in our bedroom.  They are 1960's sewing tables complete with the machines still inside!  I haven't plugged them in yet to see if they work, but they are so cool!  And, only cost us $60 for the pair.  STEAL!!!  

I've got quite a bit more work to do to finish this vision i have in my head of how it will all look, but i'll post some pictures when it's done, hopefully this weekend.

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